/** @class IdP Selector UI */ function IdPSelectUIParms(){ // // Adjust the following to fit into your local configuration // this.alwaysShow = true; // If true, this will show results as soon as you start typing this.dataSource = '/Shibboleth.sso/DiscoFeed'; // Where to get the data from this.defaultLanguage = 'en'; // Language to use if the browser local doesnt have a bundle this.defaultLogo = '/registry/img/transparent-eds-logo.png'; // Replace with your own logo this.defaultLogoWidth = 1; this.defaultLogoHeight = 1 ; this.defaultReturn = null; // If non null, then the default place to send users who are not // Approaching via the Discovery Protocol for example //this.defaultReturn = "https://example.org/Shibboleth.sso/DS?SAMLDS=1&target=https://example.org/secure"; this.defaultReturnIDParam = null; this.helpUrl = null; this.ie6Hack = null; // An array of structures to disable when drawing the pull down (needed to // handle the ie6 z axis problem this.insertAtDiv = 'idpSelect'; // The div where we will insert the data this.maxResults = 10; // How many results to show at once or the number at which to // start showing if alwaysShow is false this.myEntityID = null; // If non null then this string must match the string provided in the DS parms this.preferredIdP = ['https://idp-stg.login.iu.edu/idp/shibboleth']; // Array of entityIds to always show this.hiddenIdPs = null; // Array of entityIds to delete this.ignoreKeywords = false; // Do we ignore the when looking for candidates this.showListFirst = false; // Do we start with a list of IdPs or just the dropdown this.samlIdPCookieTTL = 730; // in days this.setFocusTextBox = true; // Set to false to supress focus this.testGUI = false; this.autoFollowCookie = null; // If you want auto-dispatch, set this to the cookie name to use this.autoFollowCookieTTLs = [ 1, 60, 270 ]; // Cookie life (in days). Changing this requires changes to idp_select_languages // // Language support. // // The minified source provides "en", "de", "pt-br" and "jp". // // Override any of these below, or provide your own language // //this.langBundles = { //'en': { // 'fatal.divMissing': '
specified as "insertAtDiv" could not be located in the HTML', // 'fatal.noXMLHttpRequest': 'Browser does not support XMLHttpRequest, unable to load IdP selection data', // 'fatal.wrongProtocol' : 'Policy supplied to DS was not "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:profiles:SSO:idpdiscovery-protocol:single"', // 'fatal.wrongEntityId' : 'entityId supplied by SP did not match configuration', // 'fatal.noData' : 'Metadata download returned no data', // 'fatal.loadFailed': 'Failed to download metadata from ', // 'fatal.noparms' : 'No parameters to discovery session and no defaultReturn parameter configured', // 'fatal.noReturnURL' : "No URL return parameter provided", // 'fatal.badProtocol' : "Return request must start with https:// or http://", // 'idpPreferred.label': 'Use a suggested selection:', // 'idpEntry.label': 'Or enter your organization\'s name', // 'idpEntry.NoPreferred.label': 'Enter your organization\'s name', // 'idpList.label': 'Or select your organization from the list below', // 'idpList.NoPreferred.label': 'Select your organization from the list below', // 'idpList.defaultOptionLabel': 'Please select your organization...', // 'idpList.showList' : 'Allow me to pick from a list', // 'idpList.showSearch' : 'Allow me to specify the site', // 'submitButton.label': 'Continue', // 'helpText': 'Help', // 'defaultLogoAlt' : 'DefaultLogo' //} //}; // // The following should not be changed without changes to the css. Consider them as mandatory defaults // this.maxPreferredIdPs = 3; this.maxIdPCharsButton = 33; this.maxIdPCharsDropDown = 58; this.maxIdPCharsAltTxt = 60; this.minWidth = 20; this.minHeight = 20; this.maxWidth = 115; this.maxHeight = 69; this.bestRatio = Math.log(80 / 60); }